Disrespectful tennis fans have been causing problems during the tournament and its clearly bothering some players.

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Disrespectful tennis fans have been causing problems at the US Open. The people attending the tournament was always made aware of the code of conduct, which threatens expulsion or even arrest for, amongst other things, abusive or threatening language, or even behavior that disrupts the atmosphere that is detrimental to the players.
Alexander Zverev was one of the players that was bothered by some disrespectful tennis fans. Zverev felt that he had to react when he heard some disrespectful tennis fans use a language from Adolf Hitler’s Nazi Regime during his US Open match.
In Zverev’s case, the fan was sitting in a crowded section close to the court, where many people, aside from the player, could hear the offensive words. Zverev complained to the chair umpire and the man was ejected from the tournament. Novak Djokovic was also one of the players that got distracted by disrespectful tennis fans. Djokovic said that these things happen and sometimes they react, most of the times not. Djokovic added that they have to be ready for that, especially in the US open.
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Tennis spectators were made aware of the code of conduct that threatens to expel or arrest any disrespectful tennis fans that uses abusive or threatening language or behavior that may cause problems for the players and the atmosphere.
With that, the decision to eject disrespectful tennis fans, like the Zverev one and the other two last year when one man was giving the other a haircut, an easy decision. Chair umpires frequently urge the fans to be courteous to the players. However, with some patrons heading to drinking establishments before the game, it is hard to get some of the disrespectful tennis fans to cooperate.
Djokovic said that at the end of the day, disrespectful tennis fans or not, they pay tickets to come and watch the game, so they try to put on a show and perform for them so that they could go home satisfied that they have enjoyed their day. However, Djokovic added that in those important moments when they are all under a lot of stress and facing a break point, and then everything annoys them, then they react.
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