Does humidifier really cure cough?

Does humidifier help with cough?
What are the benefits of humidifier?
In a recent article published by She Knows, a lot of people can’t deny that humidifiers and sickness go hand in hand. Whenever we felt something wrong with our body like having a cold, cough, or flu, we immediately grab our humidifier, give it a quick clean and set it up by your bed then hope for the best result.
A family medicine physician and medical director Dr. Arfa Babaknia, was not convince with the benefits of using a humidifier. He did not want people to rely on the benefits of using a humidifier and suggest not to use steam nor cool-mist humidifiers in the management of a cold or a cough symptoms.
According to Dr. Babaknia, there is a lack of study supporting the benefits of using a humidifier, and was concerned by the correct way of using it. Instead of getting better believing the benefits of using a humidifier, it can cause complications such as risk of burn and, if the patient has asthma, developing bronchospasm.
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Even when the benefits of using a humidifier lacks supporting data, you should not throw yours out. In fact, there are many benefits of using a humidifier. Sleeping with humidifier can soothe and ease a lot of health and beauty issues that are causing you a great deal of discomfort.
Though Dr. Babaknia said the benefits of using a humidifier lacks supporting data, she recommends it to help those patients with a dry cough, sleep apnea, heavy snoring, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, sinusitis, and allergic rhinitis to loosen up the phlegm. The benefits of using a humidifier in their room is to relieve the symptoms.
Dermatologist and RealSelf adviser Dr. Joel Schlessinger said that the benefits of using a humidifier is not only for those who are not suffering from respiratory problems. He added that our complexion will thank us for using a humidifier. The benefits of using a humidifier particularly when temperatures drop and low humidity depletes our skin of moisture.
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