In a tragic turn of events, 24-year-old Wisconsin man Nathan Heitzmann, who was previously accused in relation to a deadly vehicle accident that killed a 4-year-old child, is now being charged with misdemeanour theft for allegedly removing a memorial cross from the scene of the disaster. In May, Heitzmann was first accused of grave charges pertaining to the terrible event that resulted in Cordelia Kuether’s death in April, including intentionally operating a vehicle while suspended, causing death, and vehicular murder.

Heitzmann’s legal troubles have only become worse after the new misdemeanour stealing allegation. Court documents also state that he faces criminal bail jumping charges.
When the stolen white cross that Cordelia’s distraught family had left at the collision scene vanished on August 17, it prompted an inquiry. A witness said during the investigation that Heitzmann had taken off his rucksack to display the missing crucifix, saying he “needed it for himself.”
Heitzmann gave conflicting answers when the police questioned him about the theft. He claimed that the cross had “grown legs” or that his younger brother may have taken it.
The theft of the cross devastated Devon Kuether, Cordelia’s father, who lamented, “Life is very fragile, and you never know exactly when something as fragile as that can be taken away from us.” He expressed concerns about Heitzmann’s motivations, reflecting the feelings of a community still processing the tragedy.
The deadly collision happened on April 12 at a Sheboygan intersection between a vehicle and a pickup truck that Heitzmann was reportedly driving. Sadly, Cordelia was fatally injured and lost her life when the vehicle tragically veered off the road and struck a gathering of people. Her three family members were sent to nearby hospitals for treatment after suffering minor injuries.
When it all happened, Cordelia and Lily, her younger sister, had stopped to playfully pat a dog. According to reports, Heitzmann acknowledged responsibility for the collision and acknowledged his culpability during the ensuing inquiry.
The severity of the allegations against Heitzmann was increased by the fact that the Department of Motor Vehicles had previously notified him that his driver’s licence had been suspended in March.
The community will be left in grief for the untimely death of a young life as they await the legal processes, with a status conference set for November 22.