It is best to make sure you are aware of the worst neighborhoods in Lansing, Mi if you ever want to move to the city.
Lansing, Michigan has a lot of division when it comes to its reputation. Some people see it as a city where there are tons of economic opportunities and good food. Others see it as a crime infested place. And that is right as you have a 1 in 89 chance of falling victim to violent crime in Lansing. Here are the top 7 worst neighborhoods in Lansing, Mi.
The Upgraded Home has collected the worst neighborhoods in Lansing, Mi that you need to know and avoid.
Here are the neighborhoods and streets that you need to avoid in Lansing:
- Jolly Road. This southern part is in the list of the worst neighborhoods in Lansing, Mi. This is generally considered as a bad area, especially when it comes to crime. The area around Jolly Road is pretty notorious for violent crimes such as shootings, thefts, burglaries, and drug use.
- Baker Street. This is the second in the list of worst neighborhoods in Lansing, Mi. This neighborhood is famous for the gang activities and extreme drug use. Most houses in this place looks like they are run down or falling apart. A good security system might not do much.
- South Waverly Road. South Waverly is part of the list of worst neighborhoods in Lansing, Mi. Much like Baker Street, this place is filled to the brim with criminal activities like gang wars, public use of drug, and theft. Property values are low as this area is so crime-heavy that business ended up closing for good.
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Choosing the right neighborhood in the city can make or break the enjoyment of living in Lansing.
- West Willow Street/MLK Boulevard. The downtown part of the city is also part of the worst neighborhoods in Lansing, Mi. many people beg others not to go to MArthin Luther King Boulevard because the crime rate is so high, that gang activity is out of control. With incidents of shootings and theft, people do not feel comfortable buying real estate in this area.
- East Michigan Avenue. This is part of the worst neighborhoods in Lansing, Mi. As a large portion has serious crime rate. The neighborhood found within East Michigan Avenue and North Cedar is struggling to revitalize itself, however, there is an active attempt to make the place better. So, while this may be in the list of places to avoid for now, it might not be the case soon.
- Kalamazoo Street. A recent survey showed that the prices of homes in this neighborhood is around $58,000. This is cheaper than 97% of homes in the US. While the prices may be cheap, this area is still part of the worst neighborhoods in Lansing, Mi. As crime rate is pretty bad in this area. Kalamazoo Street is not the kind of place that you want to be in any day. 15% of homes are abandoned as people would rather abandon their home just to avoid the area.
- East Saginaw Street. This is the last place is the list of worst neighborhoods in Lansing, Mi. This area has a lot of crime, especially in the form of drunken antics and drug use. This is because this is a small but growing college community that is why it is pretty commo to hear complaints about nose throughout the night.
It is clear that Lansing is not a safe area to be in. People believe that crime in this area is underreported. With personal anecdotes from online suggests that there is something shady going on in this place. So, while you ever are planning to move to Michigan, stray away from Lansing, and the places above. For you and others’ safety. Stay safe out there, folks!